The Oregon Professional Photographers Association welcomes sponsorship from businesses or organizations that would like to support professional photography and connect with professional photographers.

Affiliate Supporter: $750

  • Pay Sponsorship fee or provide $750 worth of in-kind products or services annually
  • Receive sponsor page listing
  • Ability to send out one email per month to our membership

Annual Partnership: $550

  • Standard logo on OPPA homepage (with link).
  • Listing as featured organization sponsor
  • Ability to post non-OPPA sponsored events on OPPA Facebook page.
  • Sponsor table at monthly meetings (when given at least one month notice).

Event Sponsorships

 1. Standard Sponsorship - $400:

  • Text mention/link in event related communications
  • One ticket to event
  • Option to hand out brochure/flyers to attendees
 2. Premier Sponsorship (exclusive) - $750:

  • Text mention/link in event related communications
  • three ticket to event
  • Option to hand out brochure/flyers to attendees
  • Display table at event
 3. Banquet Sponsorship - $2000:

  • Six Banquet tickets
  • Display table in banquet hall
  • Logo on all banquet communications
  • Introduction and time to address attendees
  • Annual Partnership for following year

Interested in sponsorship? Contact OPPA President Aaron Hockley.

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