Rose Troxel Memorial Scholarships

The Rose Troxel Memorial Scholarships are made possible by a gift from the estate of Oregon Coast photographer Rose Troxel (1924-2020).   One $1000 and one $500 scholarship are available for OPPA members. 

OPPA Educational Scholarships

OPPA offers educational scholarships to selected members who meet the qualification criteria.  We offer two $250 educational scholarships for OPPA members. 

For both scholarships, The deadline to apply is November 15th at 5pm.  All scholarship certificates will be awarded at the December Members Banquet or mailed if unable to attend the banquet.


  • For use at Accredited Educational events, workshop or school: i.e. any OPPA event, Imaging USA, WPPI, PCC etc.
  • Members are eligible after your second year of consecutive OPPA membership.
  • For the Rose Troxel Memorial Scholarships, volunteer service will be considered, as documented on the application
  • Must be used within 12 month Expiration date.
  • Must submit receipts for reimbursement.
  • Other details in the application document and subject to change.
Note that you must complete the application form(s) for each scholarship.  Members may apply for both the OPPA Educational and Rose Troxel Memorial Scholarships.  Scholarship applications become available in October each year.

Applications are automatically submitted to the President (who can also answer any questions).

The Scholarship Committee shall make a selection of the most worthy candidate, based on information provided by the applicant and research/discussion by the committee. Names on applications will be redacted so Scholarship Committee can make a selection based on merit only.

As mentioned above, the application deadline is November 15th for the given year by 5pm.

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