The Salmon Pin is a program to recognize those OPPA members that are making the most of their OPPA memberships.  The pin can be earned each year.

To earn a Salmon Pin, you normally need to acquire 12 Salmon Pin Units in one calendar year.  If you're active in OPPA, you're probably already doing a bunch of these activities anyway, and we'd like to recognize you for that!

Salmon Pin Units can be earned if you:


  • Attend a full-day OPPA workshop
  • Attend a shorter paid OPPA educational program (other than our free Night with the Pros)
  • Attend Luminate


  • Enter an OPPA Members-Only Competition (February, April, September)
  • Enter the OPPA Open Competition (November)

Images do not need to earn a certain score to receive a Salmon Pin Unit.  One Unit is earned for entering each competition, regardless of the number of individual images entered.


  • Serve on an OPPA Committee
  • Serve on the Board of Directors
  • Serve on a temporary action team put together for an OPPA project
  • Set up or clean up before/after an in-person event (Night with the Pros, Luminate, Awards Banquet, Workshop)
  • Participate in the OPPA Mentorship program, either as a Mentor or a Student
  • Serve as an instructor for an OPPA program
  • Assist with hosting or transportation for an out-of-town speaker that's visiting
  • Write an article for our website that becomes a member resource

The above list is not exhaustive and all-inclusive. Other activities can qualify; check with our Awards, Points, and Degrees Chair if you have any questions. 

You'll need 12 Salmon Pin Units to earn the recognition, and you can earn multiple units of the same type (entering all four of our competitions gets you four Units, for example).  You must earn at least one Unit from each of the three categories above.

In early November, we'll make the Salmon Pin application available, so be sure to track your activities throughout the year.  You'll submit your name and what Units you've earned, we'll do a quick verification, and Salmon Pins will be distributed at our annual Members Appreciation Banquet in December.

The Salmon Pin application becomes available in October of each year.  The Deadline is November 15th!

Remember, OPPA is what you make of it—so make it great while you earn your OPPA Salmon Pin.

Note that the OPPA Salmon Pin recognition is unrelated to our Degree Program.  The Degree Program generally requires a few years of work to achieve whereas a Salmon Pin can be earned by any member each year.

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